Super Native Unlimited

Super Native Unlimited. Aboriginal and First Nations specialists in leadership, facilitation and collaboration.

Welcome to Super Native Unlimited

Intercultural Framework

Created by Mark Yettica-Paulson, the Intercultural Framework helps individuals, organisations and businesses to understand what cultural spaces they work in and how to be effective when working across these cultures and nuances.

Consulting / Projects

We specialise in leadership development, facilitation and cross cultural collaboration. Read more about our current projects and how we can work together. Contact us today to work with us


Read our latest reflections, projects and collaborations on leadership development, critical thinking on Australian sacred sites, ceremonies and much more.


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Our mission is to practice visionary leadership, self awareness and collaboration.

We are Creative Natives collaborating for a
future unlimited.

Meet the Founders

Mark Yettica-Paulson. Leadership, facilitation and collaboration specialist.

Co-founder Chief & CEO

Intercultural Leadership specialist, facilitator & public speaker.

Maryann Talia Pau. Visual artist, weaver and founder of One Billion Stars.

Co-founder & Chief.

Artist and Star Weaver.

Contact Us